Todays post is written for car buyers in the market who are looking to buy a new car above $30K or Tesla investors who are bullish or bearish on $TSLA stock.

For potential car buyers, I really hope that reading this article gives you that extra push to visit a local Tesla store for a quick test drive. One test drive will really help you understand why $TSLA owner clubs across our great nation are so active and passionate about their cars and the company. Hint: it is about cars’ performance and experience and less about saving environment.

For Tesla investors, I also hope that this also gives them an opportunity to visit a Tesla store and try test drive. Many people think that “cars are cars” and investors are no different. But, it is very fascinating though that there are so many bearish investors who have never driven a Tesla.


아래 링크에서 더 자세히 읽어보세요~!


Key takeaways from Tesla Model 3 ownership and how they fit into my LONG thesis on $TSLA

Todays post is written for car buyers in the market who are looking to buy a new car above $30K or Tesla investors who are bullish or bearish on $TSLA stock. For potential car buyers, I really hope…


2021년 2월 중순부터 계속 어려운 시장이 계속 되고 있는데요. 2020년에 주식 시장이 엄청 오르는 것을 보고 특히나 2020년 말이나 2021년 초까지 모두가 돈을 주식시장에 태우면서 모멘텀장으로 오르다가, 2020년 대장주들이 급속으로 하락하며 많은 분들이 큰 손실을 보고 계신 듯 합니다.

주식시장에서 진정한 실력은 하락장에서 나타나는데요 – 여기서 괜히 존버라는 단어가 나온게 아니지요. 하락장에서도 열심히 버틸수 있는 무거운 엉덩이가 있어야 다시 반등하는 장까지 붙들거나 더블 다운을 할수 있는데 존버를 하지 못하고 손절하는 경우가 많을 경우 장기적으로는 주식시장에서 손실을 볼수밖에 없는 구조이지요.

하지만 갖고 있는 주식을 단단히 붙들어 맬수있게 해주는 건 결국 리서치 기반인 conviction인데요. 결국 뇌피셜이 아주 강력하게 박혀 있어서 존버가 가능한 겁니다. 물론 여기서 조심해야 할 점은 그 뇌피셜이 틀리면 안되겠다는 것이겠지요.

제가 2018년 말에 엄청난 하락장에서도 멘탈 붙잡고 붙들었던 주식들.. 그리고 펀드가 망하게 되면서 할수없이 팔았는데.. 제가 가장 좋아했던 기업들이 2019년에 엄청나게 높은 가격을 받고 팔리는 것을 보면서 제가 다시는 이런 실수를 하지 않도록 제 자신을 상기시키기 위해서 쓴 글이 있습니다.

여러분도 어려운 시기이지만 아래에 글을 한번 읽어보시고 올바른 존버를 하시길 바랍니다!


Fundamentals and time take care of stock prices at the end of the day – how I hold myself together to keep my positions in the

Wow October 2020 was a tough month and through election, the market has recovered and then more. A house-divided seems like things are setting up great for growth stocks (read: tech stocks) as grid…


This is not necessarily biotech-focused, but nevertheless highlights the importance of STEM education - the thought process we learn in science is so translatable to our work and life. I learned so much from rocket scientist thinking approach and I laid out key takeaways for me!


Think Like a Rocket Scientist – a simple strategy to improve your work and/or life!

Wonders of Amazon… they know me so well that they make some amazing book recommendations for me. This has been helpful for me to develop my book habit again. I realized I was reading so much …


Biotech CEOs are not as well known as tech CEOs, but that does not mean they are not as interesting characters! Below I introduce SGEN CEO Clay Siegall - an amazing visionary whose story quickly dispelled any prejudice that I had due to my peers talking negatively about him, and caused me to become a fan. I enjoyed writing about him and hope you enjoy learning about his story too!


Biotech visionary who left BMY and built a premier targeted oncology therapeutics platform – Clay Siegall of Seagen (SGEN)

Like tech, biotech entrepreneurs also have a wide variety of leaderships. However, given that most of the innovative companies often end up getting acquired by larger cap pharmaceutical companies, …

Who are your favorite biotech entrepreneurs?

Disclaimer: I hold SGEN stock and this is not investment advice.


파트너스 활동으로 소정의 수수료를 받을수 있습니다!


12월 19일 도착 일품김치 생새우가 들어간 김장김치



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