미국의 공정거래위원회가 진단기업인 일루미나가 Grail이라는 liquid biopsy 기업을 인수를 막으려고 한다는 뉴스가 나왔습니다. 진단기업이지만 바이오텍 인수합병에도 큰 의미가 있다고 생각되는데요. 저의 생각을 한번 다루어보았습니다.

FTC trying to block $ILMN acquisition of GRAIL two weeks after announcing working group for pharma acquisition unfortunately does not bode well for biotech valuation... $xbi pain probably continues as take-out hope leaks from valuation.. I discussed more




What FTC’s challenge to $ILMN’s acquisition of Grail means for biotech valuation

WSJ reported that FTC (Fair Trade Commission) seeks to challenge Illumina’s $7.1bn acquisition of Grail – a prominent liquid biopsy firm. While one may view that this is a diagnostics a…


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